Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)

NexNet’s Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Solution provides advanced, detailed, and accurate intelligence into all IP traffic. Our DPI Solution achieves extracting deep, high-fidelity application metadata, supports an extensive range of protocols, ease real-time flow of network, prevents unwarranted intrusions and adequately detects attacks to your firewall or exploitation to your IoT devices.

NexNet’s DPI Solution aids your corporation in enforcing an extensive cybersecurity protocol, assures that your data is in the correct format, delivers granular data that monitors your network, as well as reassemble traffic to fit the destination accurately and securely.
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Use Cases/Benefits:
  • Traffic optimization

  • Subscriber-based data quotas

  • Zero rating for specific applications

  • Parental controls

  • Revenue Assurance

  • Fraud prevention

  • Detailed subscriber behavior analysis

  • Quality of experience monitoring per application

  • Detection of advanced cyber threats subscribers’ preferences statistical data collection

  • Performing URL blacklisting

  • Detecting and filtering malware

  • Encrypted & Evasive Traffic Classification

  • Custom Signature Module

  • Deep File Inspection

  • Transactional DPI

  • Automated DPI to classify previously unknown traffic using automated algorithms

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