OSS BSS Solutions

NexNet Solutions offers OSS BSS Solutions ready to support Next Generation services such as high-speed internet, IPTV, VoIP, and other services on the same platform. Our solutions support services such as Wireless Broadband, On Demand Services, VoIP, Content services VAS Services as well as Wholesale Multisite deployments.

The high cost of voice calls has long provided incentives for new players to find ways to market by offering lower cost services. Voice players are providing value beyond free and lower call rates by offering many convenient and consumer sweet-spot features, which have led to increased consumer demand for OTT.

Several providers, such as Fring, Tru and Mig33, focus largely or exclusively on mobile VoIP (mVoIP). Others, such as Skype, Google Voice, Jajah, Rebtel and Raketu offer mVoIP as part of their broader web-activated business. Several ambitious OTT players have already had an impact on mVoIP growth and on the total voice market.

NexNet Solutions’ OSS/BSS Solutions is future ready to support Next Generation services such as high-speed internet, IPTV, VoIP, and other services on the same platform. Other features include Hotlining, bandwidth on-demand, captive portal (network and service agnostic single subscriber sign on solution), advanced policy based rating and charging. In addition, it offers great flexibility, allowing service providers with legacy OSS / BSS systems to deploy the whole offering or just modules of the offering thus meeting service providers objective of time to market and revenue.

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Billing and Revenue Management
Convergent Prepaid Billing
Real Time Voucher Management
Unified Rating and Charging System
Charging Gateway Function

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