Telecom Consultancy

NexNet Solutions’ IPv6 Consultancy

It’s essential to look to IPv6 to ensure business continuity and growth. While most organizations spend a great deal of time, effort and resources to assess the potential benefits and determine the best use of IPv6, one critical component is often overlooked: the readiness of the underlying information communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and services.

Without an in-depth risk assessment of the readiness of applications and networks, can’t guarantee that infrastructure can handle the demands of a new IPv6 deployment. 

Many enterprise organizations have enough IPv4 addresses to meet their needs into the foreseeable future, however, once the addresses are gone, enterprise customers will be impacted. This is most likely to be seen in the Internet space as carriers will require all new Internet customers to leverage IPv6. This means that any Internet based services will require IPv6 long before private networks. This has a significant impact as a large amount of IT based services including basic Internet, web hosting, remote access, mobile workers, and cloud computing leverage internet transport to provide services. 

NexNet Solutions provides a world class methodology, expertise and experience, and heritage as a Trusted Advisor for Telecom Consultancy. We offer a proven methodology and approach, training, and experience; best of- breed solutions. NexNet possesses the global delivery capability to help companies appropriately and cost-effectively address their IPv6 requirements.

Our consultancy gives a detailed overview on the impact that IPv6 will have on business. It will show how ready infrastructure and business applications are for IPv6 and provide a mitigation plan, including prioritization regarding opportunities and threats. This will help integrate IPv6 effectively, targeting key benefits and priorities and reducing the risk of cost overruns.

As most new technology deployments require extensive investment, maximizing time-to-value becomes a critical metric. Any delay in successfully deploying the solution has a major impact on the initial payback or return on investment analysis. With a complete understanding of the infrastructure, the potential risks and delays are greatly minimized.

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